No weekly boost

I didn’t receive me weekly boost this week. Just wondering if there was a mistake or if that’s not being offered anymore?


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@Ra4arara You should see it under available bonuses

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Actually I don’t see it either. It’s always there on Mondays but nothing there yesterday nor today. I thought maybe it was discontinued?
The Weekly Boost is the one that offers 100% deposit match. Can you please look into this?
Thank you.

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Hey @Kman0207,

You should be able to see it now :slight_smile:

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Thank you Jenny. I do see it now. Have a great night :crescent_moon:

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I dont have a weekly boost as well

Hey @Demmos,

This has been added for you now :slight_smile:

Hi Matt, Can you please fix my weekly Boost. I talked to the customer service and they do not seem to know what I’m talking about his name was George M>

Thank you

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@RJpoker Do you see it now?

@moderators I don’t remember getting it either. Pm me please

You should be able to see it now. It will expire in 2 days.

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Deposit boost? My bonus funds were locked immediately?

@SmokEmHigh Hi! welcome to the forum, is there something you need help with? feel free to send us a message if so.

I’ll have a look at your account and send you a message shortly.

I also did not get my weekly boost it has been two weeks now. Can you please let me know if you recieve yours?

No, It is not there.

@RJpoker I’m seeing it in your account now.

Hi Davy, I still do not see my weekly boost in my account can you please double check? Thank you

The only this i see there was the crypto Boost . I would like to get , just the regular weekly boost

This should be in the account now,