Level up bonus gift?

Just a suggestion, but a level up gift with be awesome lol. About to be a platinum level😂

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YESSSS SEND HIM ONE THEN ANOTHER TO ME!!! @Sergio12313 your like me coming up with ideas for enhancements; NICE… if they don’t send you a level up gift when I reach $300 I’ll send you $20 from me.


yeah that is a good idea. I remember when I leveled up to diamond I was checking my bonuses and email. I assumed you got one at every level that progressively got better. I emailed support like" yo wheres my bonus" and was surprised to find out you get nadda for the milestone. they are far and few between once u get up there too.

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@Kentucky and @Sergio12313 this is why I shared some ideas on this post:

you can reviewed it and comment on it to see if this enhancemets are implemented for LEVEL REWARDS and CASHBACK features we currently have. Like the perks in Diamond are cool but the ones I got on Platinum and my brother in Diamond are almost the same. Enhancements to the cashback % and increase of the qualifying below $10 balance to qualify for cashback for all levels will be nice to see … see the post and read it slowly there’s some ideas Im waiting to see if they are implemented but we need to promote it to make it happen.

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Haha I got my fingers crossed for both!:crossed_fingers:t4: Good luck!

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LOL the title says it all! I logged in to check my last cashback amount and it was higher than I was expecting, then I noticed the progress bar for my rewards tier was suddenly back to the beginning and I am now a Diamond. I wish it came with perks like Diamond did back in the old Absolute Poker days. I really miss the ability to host my own house games whenever I wanted!

I’m also surprised hitting Diamond rewards tier didn’t trigger any kind of reward. I’m refusing to do the math on how much I’ve had to gamble to hit Diamond, but I know it’s a SHITLOAD. Guess I’ll look out for a Diamond VIP invite in the future and hopefully slots are programmed to pay better for Diamonds and Diamond VIPs.!

Also, just something to consider, it’s impossible to read the rewards page now that I’m diamond tier.

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Hey guys, while leveling up through the tiers offers better redemption and cashback rates, all bonuses are issued at the discretion of our promotions team, however, we’re always looking to pass on constructive feedback and really appreciate your ideas.

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