Notification banner during site downtime

Do yourselves and everyone else a favor and when the site is down. Have a notification banner stating “Site is currently down for maintenance”.

As it is rite now. The download client just does not load when the site is down/offline. This makes people think there is an issue on the user end. They then attempt to reload the client, reinstall the client, use alternative devices and / or browsers etc.

The poker browser client mostly just gets stuck loading when the site is down. Again, this often makes users believe there an issue on their end or with the connection.

If there was a notification of the site being down directly from the method of client the user attempts to access from. It would greatly limit frustration and irritation. As well as significantly reduce attempts to access the client.

You could limit attempts to access the client even further. If you also added to the notification of the site being down. An instruction to “Attempt again in 30 minutes” or something relative. Adding an estimate of time site would return to service (even if only remotely accurate). Would drastically reduce the amount of customer service querry’s. Along with the overall backlash of users across all platforms.

Please like and comment on this post. If you agree or have anything to add to this suggestion. So that gains attention.


Hi @orren_123,

We thank you for your feedback.

If you are referring to the technical issue we had earlier today, we have created a Topic on the Forum, which you may see here

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Thank you for your quick response time;)

I was not only referring to today’s technical issue, but any time the site has or will be down in the past and future. No matter if it’s scheduled downtime or not.

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You are very welcome :slight_smile:

We try our best to create Topics/Banners in advance, when we are aware of a technical issue or maintenance which is taken place. Unfortunately, sometimes unforeseen technical issues take place. As soon as we are aware of the reported issue, we always create a Topic to make our members aware of the issue

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So true. Things like that are so poorly announced.

Their programmer must be worked to the bone.

You know when you are going to be down.

Come on Man.

Please make reference to the last message.

Whatever that means.

I think it’s pretty self explanatory, but if you are not sure I can try to explain it in another way for you.

If it’s planned maintenance we make a post or a banner.
If its an unforeseen issue, once we are aware of it we make a post

Thank you.

I will remember that attitude the next time I have to draw a map about something stupid in your software.

No bad attitude intended, I just assumed you hadn’t understood Jenny’s post by the comment you made.
