Anti Money Laundering Policy for Poker Players

Guys and gals listen up. This site could not continue to operate by giving away free play to everyone. How much free play does one really need? To me it seems like you are not confident enough and don’t have the greatest bankroll management to be a winner! I understand a gift here and there would be super nice. I find a few things I totally disagree with. When I deposit $200-300 every week after many years, i should be trusted enough to not be looking to launder money. Laundering money at that amount just wouldn’t be worth it . After I cash on a cash table or even in tournament i would like to be able to get my funds immediately. Nothing we can do about it besides play smarter with our funds right? ignition will not change their minds about that implemented term. I’m sure they feel it’s a way to save their behind and saves us from getting fraudulent funds! I just don’t believe it stops the money laundering from happening.

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Hi @codyshambo

Thanks for sharing such valuable feedback with us! I do understand your concerns as it relates to being subjected to our anti money laundering policy depsite having a relationship with us for 8 years.

While we do wish we could have this policy waived for trustworthy players like yourself, unfortunately, it is an automated process that is initiated by the system to ensure that all deposits are played through in their entirety.

I can assure you that your concerns will be escalated to our stakeholders for consideration!