Bch deposit funds still not credited to account

I made a Bitcoin cash deposit over 14 hours ago but the funds still have not been credited to my account.

Online chat support has been worthless. They literally make up information to try to stall you and then make up a generic response that does not help and offers no timeframe for resolution. Basically, they just lie.

As soon as I saw in my cryptocurrency wallet and on the Bitcoin cash Explorer that the transaction had over 6 confirmations I checked my ignition Casino account and the money still was not credited. So I waited for more confirmations just to be certain. After 10 confirmations or about 2 hours, I initiated a chat with support since the funds still were not credited. They initially told me a lot, and told me that the transaction was still awaiting confirmation. Once I told the representative that I was literally looking at the transaction on the Explorer and it had over ten confirmations, then they made up another excuse and told me there was a delay in the network and that the funds will be credited shortly. I asked how long shortly is and they told me they don’t know, how can you know it’s going to be shortly if you don’t have a maximum time frame for what you consider shortly? That is just making up something to try to get you to end the chat.

Another hour later, I have the exact same conversation with a different representative via chat, and they told me the exact same excuses. Once I told them that that’s what the previous representative told me, they told me they escalated it to there Financial team, whatever that means. They told me to contact them again in an hour if the funds still were not credited.

An hour later, still no money. I contacted support via chat again, and this representative again Begins the conversation by telling me the transaction has not been confirmed. I told her that is not correct as I’m looking at the transaction and it has over 20 confirmations. Then she says there is a delay and the funds will definitely be credited shortly, the same thing I was told two hours before. At this point I am very upset. I told her I’ve been lied to multiple times by the representative telling me that the transaction is not confirmed, and then when I call them on that lie, they tell me a generic delay excuse, that means absolutely nothing. They can’t tell me what the delay is but somehow after changing from waiting on confirmation to now there’s a generic delay in the network, whatever they mean by the network, they say there is a delay in the network. When I’m looking at both my cryptocurrency wallet and in the Bitcoin cash Explorer and both say there are dozens of confirmations by this point. So there is not a delay. The only delay is you taking the money that you’ve already received and crediting my account.

At this point, the representative gives me a phone number I can call. But I’m too irate to talk to anybody because I know I’m not in the right frame of mind at this point. I actually go to sleep, and wake up 9 hours later. Get something to eat, do a couple of other things, at which point to check my account in the funds still are not there. Right back where I started over 13 hours ago.

So I call the number I was provided and can you believe that the representative gave me the wrong number. They gave me the number to Bovada when I’m specifically talking with ignition Casino. Bovada gives me the right number to ignition Casino though as they apparently are somewhat the same company but have different support numbers. But somehow I was giving the wrong number?

So here we are 14 hours later, and I’m finally connected to a live representative on the phone. He tells me, again, there is a delay. I’m looking at the transaction on the blockchain Explorer and it shows 91 confirmations. Yet the money is still not in my account. And he can provide absolutely no information or time frame for resolution. Just tells me to wait longer. How is this acceptable service? This means they are under no Authority and have no one to answer to. They are allowed to just take your money and never credit it to you, and don’t even have to give you a reason or a time frame for resolution. They can verify the same information that I verified, that the transaction has been complete it, has at this point almost a hundred confirmations, but they are under no obligation to actually credit your money. Talk about gambling, we’re not even talking about the games, we are talkin about the fact that you are gambling just buy trying to deposit money. It’s a gamble whether they will actually credit your money.

And there is absolutely nothing that I can do. They are in a different country so I can’t sue them, I have absolutely no recourse. And neither do you. I wouldn’t even say gamble at your own risk, deposit at your own risk is more like it! The worst experience I’ve had with any company in my entire life and the worst customer service. They know there’s nothing you can do so they don’t even have to be polite. Nor do they have to offer you any information or time frame for resolution, much less an actual resolution. You would be better off lighting your money on fire. Absolutely ridiculous

Welcome to the forum @Middledd

I’m sorry to hear about your recent deposit issue. I will take a look into your account and interactions to see what’s going on and I will update you through a PM shortly.

Of course you will. I’m sure you’ll give me the same update that they gave me, which is just to wait. Your message here is nothing but a front, trying to give off the public perception of the fact that you want to help. This is now my sixth interaction with you all on the same issue. And none of the times before has anyone even attempted to act like they wanted to help. Just lie after lie, and then getting brushed off by being told to wait again. Let’s see what you make up this time

I’m sorry to hear that you’re not happy with your previous interactions but I can assure you we’re here to help. I will review these interactions and follow up internally if needed.

In the meantime, I’ve sent you over a PM so we can discuss freely, as some information may be account sensitive.

I don’t understand this:

"As a business we have a minimum and maximum transaction limit for either deposits or withdrawals and we cannot guarantee that your deposits will get credited if they are not in accordance to those recommended limits.

As I mentioned in your topic, I’m going to take look in your interactions and follow up internally, if needed.

If you need anything else in the meantime let us know."

Yes there is something I need, a reason why specifically this transaction did not go through. I can’t afford to take a gamble. You’re frequently asked questions only mention Bitcoin specific limits. They do not mention Bitcoin cash. Those are two different cryptocurrencies. I searched for Bitcoin cash and did not see any restrictions. Furthermore, I always make less than $10 Bitcoin cash deposits and they have never not going through, even though sometimes it may take two or three hours.

Furthermore, it’s not just acceptable to say we can’t guarantee XYZ. I need to know a reason why you can’t guarantee XYZ. For example, when you purchase things with a credit card at gas stations sometimes they say they will charge an extra $0.50 transaction fee because all of the fees that they have to pay to the credit card processors. There is no fee for you to receive Bitcoin. There is a transaction fee which is paid by me to send it. So why would there be a minimum? Furthermore, why do your representatives constantly lie and simply say that the transaction is waiting on confirmations, one of them even sent me a link to the Bitcoin cash Explorer which showed in the link that you sent me that there were 91 confirmations. Then when she actually look at the transaction she saw that it was actually completed. Just like your message above, you all give vague answers that do not make sense or do not clarify anyting. Your message is always consistent no matter who I talk to, which is basically this is the way it’s going to be in there’s nothing you can do about it. And we’re not going to give you a reason why. That is unacceptable. It should not be a gamble whether or not my deposit goes through. Furthermore a recommendation is not a mandate. You are still obligated to credit my deposit. I need answers not vague generalizations. I have asked very specific questions and you haven’t answered any of them nor has anyone else

You said you were going to look through the interactions but I haven’t heard a follow-up on that, and also, over 24 hours later my initial deposit still hasn’t gone through. These issues as well as every question I’ve asked have not been answered specifically. That’s the additional help that I need that you asked me if I needed.

As per our Terms of Service and as a business we have certain limits we need to adhere by and as a result we accept those limits when depositing:

4.4 We reserve the right to set a limit on the amount of funds that you will be able to deposit.

I can assure you though that as your case has already been escalated, the funds equal to your deposit will be credited to your account.

Yes, you deserve the right to set a limit, I’ve never argued that. But you can’t set the limit and not make it clear what that limit is. You specifically for credit card transactions make it clear that it has to be this amount. You have in your frequently asked questions the Bitcoin limit. But you don’t have a Bitcoin cash limit mention anywhere. Furthermore, just like the credit card limit is specifically shown on the credit card screen, why would you not show the cryptocurrency limit on the cryptocurrency deposit screen to make it explicitly clear? Why would you bury that limit on another screen somewhere, and then not be explicit if it applies to all cryptocurrency or just Bitcoin?

I can understand where the confusion might come from and I’ve already forwarded this feedback to have it looked into.

I’ll make sure to keep you posted.

The issue still has not been resolved

So you sent me a message three days ago saying you were still looking into the issue. It’s been 6 days now and this issue still is not resolved. So basically you all aren’t ever going to make good on your promise to resolve the issue?

Hi @Middledd,

I’m sorry for the inconvenience here. As mentioned previously, this issue looks to stem from the fact that the deposit was made for less than the minimum outlined here. Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash have the same limits and as @Nash mentioned we will ask that it is made clear in the Help Section to help avoid any confusion in the future. We will also ask that the limits be added to the Cashier for Crypto Currency Deposits.

I understand that you’ve made deposits for less than the minimum before, however, this particular amount was not successfully credited by the system.

In order to make sure you don’t wait any longer, we’ve credited your account with the deposit amount.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Withdrawal Delays

My btc is not in my account I deposited it into account but its not showing up

There’s no need to worry @pokergod1 as sometimes due to a congestion on the Blockchain network a deposit might take a bit longer to be confirmed and posted.

I’ll check this out for you and send you a PM shortly.

Ok thank you

Here we go again! I made a BCH deposit two weeks ago. It was confirmed and completed- the blockchain explorer confirms this. After a few days of contacting support via chat - still no funds.

In the meantime I made several successful BTC transactions with no issues. After a few days, i contacted support again. They told me to send the transaction details and screenshots, i sent both AND an email from my wallet confirming the transaction was completed. They said it takes 72 hours for a reply. Well, two weeks later - STILL NO REPLY.

I contact support via chat - they told me to send ANOTHER email wait another 72 hours. Im frustrated so i call. She says the financial team is looking at it instead of leaving me on hold she’ll call me back in 5-10 minutes. I said id rather stay on hold then me have to call back again if they don’t call me as promised. She ASSURED me she’d personally call back in NO MORE than 10 minutes with assistance. I wait 25 minutes - she finally calls back to tell me it would be ANOTHER 30 minutes.

It’s not cool for people to spend money with you - and get the runaround.

This is the SECOND TIME. It’s becoming harder to trust you all. You don’t respond to email. You don’t call back when you promise. And YET AGAIN you all take my deposit- and don’t credit my money.

@Middledd I’m sorry to hear about the back and forth. I’ll have a look now and send you a PM when I have more information.

I shouldn’t have to wait days again. The transaction has BEEN CONFIRMED on the blockchain and now - after multiple chats, emails verifying the transaction, phone calls, screenshots, being told to wait- now YOU TOO are basically saying 'wait ’ AGAIN!

This is just ridiculous. You should be able to credit it AND a bonus. But I’m expected to just keep waiting! Unacceptable!

@Middledd I can understand that it’s been frustrating. I’ve sent you a PM.