Withdrawal Delays

I submitted my withdrawal for $112.85 to my coinbase wallet. I did this on the 12th of November. It is the 15th today. Withdrawal is still pending and in review.

I’m sorry to hear about any possible delays, I have already sent you a PM. I will review your withdrawal request now and will give you an update as soon as possible.


Also have been waiting for 5 days now for my withdrawal of 500.

Hi @Peebs_123, welcome to the Forum!

We’re sorry to hear your withdrawal has taken so long to process, and we’ll certainly take a look at it and PM you with details shortly.


We have sent you a PM with more details, but your withdrawal has now been processed! Let us know if you have any other concerns.

Nash - I’m facing a 6 day delay in processing a withdrawal. Outside your time bounds and I’m not getting anywhere on chat or live call. If you could look into this please that would be much appreciated. Thank you

Welcome to the forum @Dk1212

I’m sorry to hear you’re having delays with your withdrawal request. I’m going to take a look into it now and I will send you a PM shortly.

Just dropping in to let you know that your withdrawal has since been processed.

Let us know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

I have a withdrawal taking over 3 days now

i have been waiting 4 days for any info on my bitcoin withdraw and nothing at all. its a decent sized withdraw 4500. please look into it for me and PM me please.

sam can you help me wth my withdraw its been over 4 days and still nothing at all.

im new and witdraw 230 voucher how long it take? @Sam

@Canman Your request has now been processed.
@CpOker36 I’ve sent you a PM with more information about your request.
@swcrunsogood11 Withdrawals are usually processed within 24 - 48 hours but this can vary depending on the volume of requests.

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I’ve been waiting since 11/24 for my withdrawal to be processed and now 7 days later still nothing?

@Bigbone913 I’ll take a look into your request and see what I can do.

@Sam did you ever find anything out?

why withdraws and voucher withdraws take so long… been 3days still in review…

i been waiting 3 days @Sam can i please get my voucher i really like this site but the withdraws and voucher withdraws take too long…

@Bigbone913 Sam is out so I’m taking over for the moment, I do see that he already looked into this today, but it usually takes approximately 24-48 hours for us to receive any response from the withdrawal team. That being said your withdrawal is in queue, and may be processed before that timeframe.

@swcrunsogood11 I’m going to look into your withdrawal and PM you with details when I have an update as well.

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Hey can u check on my withdrawal from 11/22 ? I have not heard any update on check issuance. I really like your casino, I hope everything is ok. Thanks