I deposited with BTC lightning and after 30 mins it wasnt there so i deposited a 2nd time with BTC lightning and again its been hours. Still not there. Neither deposit. Is the btc lightning method broken?
I deposited about 2 hours ago btc lightning still not showing. Same thing in bovada
Same happened to me. Its just bad customer service to not send out a notice. people keep making deposits and don’t have access to their deposit. Contacted support via chat. She told me its not a problem and that the deposits are just delayed. How is that not a problem or an issue??? CS said it will get reviewed 24 to 48 hrs. Asked for a screenshot which i have but kept getting upload error. Go figure.
I also get upload error. A few guys i know who have in the past few months also tried uploading to support said same thing.
Yes, customer support should have let people know of this issue as soon as it happened.
Yes indeed, alos CS should compensate in some way to customers who have been affected by this.
Yes CS should also make known to others of the problem so that there does not become a backlog of customer complaints and CS should put forth a notice to customers trying to contact support that the upload function does not work. Either that or remove the option.
Thank you so much for all the comments, this has been escalated to our Payment provider and its being looked into.
Very frustrating!! Having the same problem as well!! Except i am being told that my deposit failed. Well, that’s not what it says on my end. It shows confirmed and conveniently, I am unable to upload a screenshot to the chat.
We are aware as per the post above. it is being looked into.
Same shiz here too! Sent almost 5 hours ago and from the Cs bought talking AI copy and paste crap is oh just wait 2 days I’m like excuse me last I checked that’s an ignition problem it’s not a me problem confirm and sent on our end we don’t have a network error problem hey I can’t even upload a screenshot network error. Then I asked why haven’t you guys put anything out on social media in the peanut gallery was quiet at the church mouse absolutely no transparency here they don’t want to take nothing the accountability for anything. I said well why don’t y’all just since you’re saying that my deposit went through it’s just delayed how about just added as a credit minus to play through and the guy in the chat on me on that. Now mine says Bitcoin lightning failed under transactions I mean what in the in this universe is going on here I’ll hang up and listen
BOT typo**
OMG…voice to text is retarded, ugh!
So, listen guys. Ignition Casino actually has great customer service to everyone. Apart from the chit chat like ‘hows your day been going’ or ‘do you have any plans for the holidays’ , i can honestly tell you from 20 years of online casino customer service that Ignition has the absolute best customer service when it comes to talking to customers/players. Remember that customer service agents are not the same people who troubleshoot any issue you’ve encountered. The people responsible for that is the tech team and developers. I wouldnt be heart broken if i never got a couple thousand dollars worth of deposits because something else you should remember is the golden rule of gambling. Dont risk something you cant afford to lose.
My best advice is to be patient and expect the worst but hope for the best. That way you cant be anything but satisfied when the BTC lightning network unlocks the transfers to
It’s being looked into is not a good enough response. No update after 12 hrs??? Yes the CS reps are usually very nice and this is not a knock on them. They could have blocked that payment method when they started having but did not. They could have sent out a communication but did not and still haven’t done so. If that is not a total disregard to their customers, then I don’t know what is…
The payments method was actually taken down when the issue was reported.
This has now been resolved, but there are still likely some payments that are still delayed.
They are working to get these completed asap.
Account has been updated and reflects my deposit. Thank you.
Not really a disregard on CS agents end though or even anyone we have access to talking with. As you can imagine nobody likes being griped at so im absolutely sure that customer service suggested removing the payment method after the 2nd or 3rd grievance
But the techs then took that suggestion to the developers/pockets of the place and they said ‘we will think on it, keep us updated while its being fixed’
all the while thinking…
‘shut down a payment method?. Thats crazy talk. Thats like the IRS saying lets shut down taxes because becauze our auditors all called in
and the techs were like ‘sir, its a network problem. Its not our system. We didnt invent bitc…’
But you get the picture it’s probably not any of the customer services fault and you’re absolutely correct.They should have let us know the s*** of things but going forward.Let’s forgive them for that and hope that they do the right thing in the end and compensate us for it. And I’m sure they will because no casino wants any of their loyal customers to think of their enjoyment time as aggravation.