Community Quiz🌟

:balloon::tada: Welcome to our Fantastic Community Quiz! :tada::balloon: Test your knowledge for a chance to win a $25 bonus! :money_with_wings:. Are you ready to show off your skills? Let’s get started! :black_joker::money_mouth_face:

:clipboard: Rules:

Join the Fun: Everyone’s welcome! Just choose the correct answer for each question. :raised_hands:

Scoring: You get 1 point for each correct answer! :heavy_check_mark:

Deadline: Be sure to submit your answers before the quiz ends tomorrow Thursday at 10:30 AM EST! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Winner: The top scorer wins $25! :tada: If there’s a tie, we’ll randomly select a winner! :arrows_counterclockwise:

Keep it Friendly: No looking at answers, let’s keep it honest! :innocent:

Membership: You must be a community member to qualify for the bonus! :busts_in_silhouette:

Let’s have a blast and see who will be crowned the trivia champion! :trophy::muscle::balloon: Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

Question 1:
What popular poker game uses a combination of five community cards and two hole cards? :thinking::thought_balloon:

  • Omaha
  • Texas Hold’em
  • Seven Card Stud
  • Razz

0 voters

Question 2:
In blackjack, what is the term for a hand that totals 21 with the first two cards? :black_joker::sparkles:

  • Bust
  • Natural BlackJack
  • Double down
  • Stand

0 voters

Question 3:
The “House Edge” refers to what? :house::arrow_right::dollar:

  • The player’s advantage
  • The casino’s advantage
  • The size of the casino
  • The amount of bets made

0 voters

Question 4:
9. In a standard deck of cards, how many hearts are there? :heart:

  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14

0 voters

Question 5:
2. In Blackjack, what is the best hand you can get? :flower_playing_cards:

  • 21 with an Ace and a Face Card
  • 21 with two Aces
  • 20 with an Ace and a 10
  • 19 with two Aces

0 voters

Question 6:
Which casino game is known for its spinning wheel and “Red or Black” betting option? :red_circle::black_circle:

  • Slots
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • Craps

0 voters

Question 7:
What hand consists of five consecutive cards of the same suit? :medal_sports::clubs::heart::spades::diamonds:

  • Flush
  • Straight
  • Full House
  • Straight Flush

0 voters

Question 8:
Which British casino game involves betting on the outcome of the roll of two dice? :game_die:

  • Craps
  • Sic Bo
  • Roulette
  • Baccarat

0 voters

Question 9:
In poker, what is the “big blind”? :money_mouth_face::arrows_counterclockwise:

  • The highest bet in the round
  • A forced bet placed by the player two seats to the left of the dealer
  • An all-in bet
  • A bet made to confuse other players

0 voters

Question 10:
What is the term for a player who loses money consistently in a casino? :money_with_wings::man_facepalming:

  • Whale
  • Donkey
  • High Roller
  • Card Counter

0 voters

How did you do? :tada:
Count your score and see if you’re a poker pro or if you need to hit the tables for a bit more practice! :black_joker::muscle:


Hey everyone! :tada: A huge thank you to all of you for diving in and participating! We have some star contestants who aced all the questions! :star2: Say congratulations to:


These fabulous names will be tossed into the draw to select the winner! :trophy: Good luck to all! May the odds be ever in your favor! :crossed_fingers::sparkles:

:tada: Congratulations to our quiz winner, @Markymark915 ! :trophy: Well done! The bonus amount of $25 has been added to your account. Please look out for our next quiz everyone.

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what’s the answer on question 9?

A forced bet placed by the player two seats to the left of the dealer

A forced bet placed by the player two seats to the left of the dealer