Do NOT forget about Royal Flush Bonus

Hey everyone,

Let’s see where the Royal Flush is coming from…

As used in poker, flush originates from Latin fluxus, which is “flow or flood.” So you have a flood of clubs in a club flush or a flood of hearts in a heart flush. The hand is filled or flooded with cards of the same suit.

In order to claim the Royal Flush Bonus:

If your royal flush satisfies these requirements, you’ve got 48 hours to submit your hand number and table number to This rollover-free bonus will be processed in up to 48 hours.

Let’s have a good game!


I had a K-9 SF before here.

i cant believe that i got a royal flush and in a tournament about 2months ago , i thought it was just fake because of not getting anything from it, i didnt know i had to report it wow i though it was qualified and i guess that wasnt up there "info about 48 hours and i had to report it i feel stupid now for not claiming that… wait i was in a tournament . so that doesnt qualify it was a cash tournament? i didnt see that it had to be cash game did it change really i feel like this info was not on the old info page>

how much do you get

Tournament doesn’t count. It’s so stupid lol. I was so excited to get a royal flush and they told me it wasn’t eligible for the bonus. Crazy.


The stipulations they put on the Royal Flush bonus make it very difficult to receive, and really not even worth it unless you’re playing a massive cash game.

Nice hand regardless.

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Very nice hand regardless :joy::joy::joy:

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