Errors while playing

Has any one been experiencing errors on this site? For the past week or so I’ve had nothing but problems playing here on the slots, I’ve been kicked out of games, games been in able to load, not allowing me to login sometimes, the only way is for me to switch my connection from Wi-Fi to mobile data visa versa. This has caused a huge inconvenience and a lot of frustration making it so un enjoyable and a pain in the a** I’ve spent lots of money here only to be brushed to the side or givin a few dollars in free play if I wait and wait and wait to talk to someone and that’s if I get through, I’ve had games freeze up on me while playing credits lost and never credited back due to theese problems it would be nice to be compensated and feel as if I’m appreciated as a customer until then I feel like I’m just another victim of circumstance if the circumstances are even the issue. Frustrating is the word I can only use to describe it

A post was merged into an existing topic: Website Technical Issue May 21