How long does Withdrawal take?

How long does withdrawal take to reach my bitcoin account.

@GamblerKing It takes about 24-48 hours for your withdrawal request to be approved and then once processed it takes around 15 minutes for your bitcoin withdrawal to show up in your bitcoin wallet.

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I did a BTC withdrawal 58 hours ago and it still hasn’t been processed. Can you please look into it and let me know when I can expect it to be processed? Thank you!

@huskerpoker we can only process one withdrawal every 72 hours so this request would only be processed 72 hours from your previous one

does the clock start when previous transaction was submitted or processed?

For Example if I did a first transaction at 10am Monday and it was Processed at 2pm wed…would my next available time to withdrawal be Thurs at 10am or Sat at 2 pm?

@huskerpoker Yes it would go from the time it was processed.