Ignition Support Not Solving Hand History Issue

Hi all!

Just want to share my story and see if anyone has any advice to offer.

I have been unable to download my hand histories due to some sort of glitch bug with my account, since April 2024. Keep getting a Java error and my game transaction page freezes. I have tested this on multiple computers, and confirmed the issue on separate computers, so I know it’s not an issue on my end. I even had dell warranty support confirm it was an issue with ignition software.

While this may not seem like a big deal, I study these hand histories pretty routinely, and it helps provide an advantage when playing.

About a month ago after contacting email support and receiving a broken English response, I posted about my issue here on this forum. A mod responded immediately and took my issue off of the forum, and made it a private message.

After talking offline with the mods for over a month now, I still have the same issue. The mods just keep telling me, “we have requested an update”, but never actually address the issue.

I have also contacted chat support about 30 separate times.

The problem has gone on now so long that I believe other players have an advantage over me, since I can’t download my hand histories.

I would love to keep playing on this site but can’t help but feel I’m being cheated.

Any advice suggestions?

Just to be transparent here, there is nothing we can do but to wait for our Tech team to have the matter resolved. We have already done our part which is to escalate the issue and request updates.

Thanks, how do I get in touch with the tech team?

The tech team is not customer facing. We are there to speak on your behalf.

Im not sure about the tech team part but i am absolutely positive about the support help or should I say zero support help just talk to them about being kicked off jackpot SnG refund never even made it to the table and then the system wouldn’t log me back in kept saying error like 10


Thats the response I got the agent never even looked into my account was absolutely the worst customer service I have ever delt with super slow on response time i don’t know what happened with this place but it is not doing well with any issues they used to be fairly helpful and now its like they just want you to go away i am highly disappointed with them and tired of being loyal here for this kind of service get it together ignition we deserve better

We’re sorry you feel this way and appreciate your feedback. Can you please provide the tournament number?

I haven’t been able to see my tournament hand history in more than 4 years on this site. Ive had it escalated numerous times and it never gets me anywhere. Still to this day i cannot see them but this only applies to the tournaments. I can see the cash game, sng, and jsng histories but i keep hearing its on my end. I couldnt get someone to explain to me how i can see all other hands aside from the tourneys. Only thing i keep hearing was its my device or my computer or whatever lame excuse i got. I pushed hard for a resolution like 2 years ago and couldnt get anyhwere so i gave up. Its so gd frustrating being told its something on my end when it clearly isn’t but what can you do? If they dont want to help then they arent going to unfortunately. I am at such a massive disadvantage because i cant go back and look at them but yet my opponents can. It feels very targeted for some reason. Eh its probably just me wearing my tinfoil hat again. :roll_eyes:

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I do not feel like it’s your tinfoil hat, I feel like I’m being targeted as well. By chance, are you a winning player?

Either that or there just aren’t competent enough people to solve the problem.

Chat support told me I could access the hand histories by emailing service@ignition

This was a lie, they won’t email you hand histories because they are claiming it’s outsourced to a 3rd party. Every step of the troubleshooting process support has tried passing the buck to a different department, company etc.

This is my last ditch effort to try to get it resolved before taking it to twitter.

I’m a winning player, but it feels like I’m a winning player only when they allow me to be. I always seem to lose late in these larger tournaments in the most spectacular fashion and its usually just before the bubble or right before the payouts start to get into the serious money. I’ve won quite a few tournaments over the years but not any that pay out a substantial amount of money. Partly because I can’t bring myself to buyin to the higher entry fee tourneys because of how often I get screwed by s@&% cards and/or s@&% play. The other reason being I’m not rich lol I’ve won all 3 of the weekly freerolls multiple times each and that to me is harder to do than some of the other MTT’s because of how stupid people play with free chips. lol This site loves to reward s@&% for whatever reason. I have countless screenshots of some of the wildest bad beats that Ive ever seen or been a part of. Its gotten to the point that I know whether I’m gonna win an all-in hand once the flop has been dealt. If they have any sort of draw after the flop then about 95% of the time I end up losing. I get it in with the better hand at a very high clip but end up losing like 75% of those hands because of running cards to make their 9 high straight, or T high flush or whatever bs this site can come up with. I like to call it being set up for failure. They let you flop a strong hand like trips or a straight, then either forced all in by someone who is on a ridiculous draw needing runner runner or I go all-in myself and get called only to lose on the river. Very very seldom do I actually get outplayed by another player and if I do, usually its because I’m on tilt from the bad beat I just took from the previous hand.

I wish you the best of luck trying to get your hand history issue fixed but I will say to keep your expectations low my friend. They will keep passing the buck on to the next department, like you said above, and keep asking you to wait on them, while they wait for a response from whatever team that no one is allowed to have correspondence with, but them. Its very frustrating and having patience is key but in my pursuit it just became not worth my time anymore. Let me know what ends up happening

ok, didn’t intend for this to be a conspiracy thread lol. I don’t think the site is rigged lol, but I also think they don’t care about fixing my issue. Like many of you have said, I just wait and wait with no updates. It’s not a priority for them because it’s not a widespread issue. This worries me personally. Thanks all for feedback.

Whilst we understand your frustration, this is being worked on, we know it’s taken longer that expected. Your issue is a bit complicated that’s why it is taking so long to be resolved.