Is there currently a problem with the withdrawal review process

I KNOW the t&c state that Bitcoin withdrawals can take up to 24 hours to process. But as surely all of us have, I’ve grown accustomed to my withdrawals being processed in just about one hour on the dot.
Today I’ve been waiting almost six hours. Again, I’m aware this is within the time frame laid out in the terms. But it’s definitely atypical of my overall experience here, and if possible I’d like to know what’s going on and if i can do anything to help the process along. Thanks in advance @moderators @admins
(Feel free to dm me if that’s more appropriate and I’ll delete the post if need be)

There is no delay or a problem with withdrawals. They are being processed according to the time of request. At times processing time-frame takes few hours depending on the total number of transactions in queue.

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Ok thank you for the quick response!

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Apparently there is. My withdraw was processed on 16th and scheduled for payout on 17th which is a b it strange because historically it only took couple of hors for payout. Anyway, it’s the 19th and transaction is still pending. Can’t be cancelled or anything else. issue escalated yesterday and today again. No response from the finance team. Very, very annoying.

This does look processed now, from what I can see.