It's 2024, Deal!

Why is there still no option for deal making at final tables in multi table tourneys and in jackpot sng’z when a jackpot is spun? Think pretty much most if not all sites have had this option for a long time now, would be nice if it was added here as well


Thanks for the suggestion. I will send this over to the team to see if the features mentioned can be added.

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I agree there needs to be a chop option at the final table for MTT’s Not sure about the need for jackpot SNG deals tho, 2nd and 3rd place already get paid out and given it’s a 3 person game to start with I don’t think it would be utilized often.

@moderators - I realize your platform doesn’t currently have an option for players to chat, but this could be added in as an isolated area at the final table (and only if all players have agreed to pause and discuss a deal). If you can pass along the suggestion to your team that would be amazing!

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We will pass this along, thanks!

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