Karma cuts Both ways

Looking through Big Winner Survey I am very surprised that more folks aren’t congratulating those whom have snagged a great payout.

Say what you will but I know from many many decades on this earth that what goes around comes around. Consider getting excited for these folks and wish them well with their windfalls.

They say karma is a bitch and that is true but, I know for a fact that she is also a benevolent Queen who takes into account where each and every one of us are in our hearts and heads and karma can, and does, bring wonderful things into our lives.

Thus spake Elbrofin. Cheers!


I just want to say that Im not trying to be a jerk because I know your heart is the right spot no doubt. I agree with you it would be nice to see more people giving congrats to people who win. I mean thats why I would post my big win is to get some sort of postive feedback. However I think you’re sending the wrong message and I will explain. Correct me if I’m wrong it sounded like you were presenting the idea that by offering congratulations to winners it should in “theory” given the laws of karma put you in a more favorable position to have your own big win in the future. Hence “goes around come around.” If we are talking about what goes around comes around then all a person should get in return is someone congratulating them back right? But the more important thing to note is you specifically describing Karma as benevolent Queen when actually Karma is not a person or a mythical person but rather a force that in the Hindu culture is considered to affect the events of one’s life. Karma be that it stems from Hinduism and Buddhism might not be of any help to a community of gamblers because gambling is forbidden in all if not most hindu practices. Thats all I wanted to say.