Latest update to the desktop app (PC)

The issue that plagued the web browser versions of casino games has now been brought to the native app as well?

With the latest update I am now experiencing the same resource issues I first pointed out with the web version of casino games.

At first I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt but at this point these seem to be no accidents and quite possibly are malicious in nature.

Included are screenshots.

For others experiencing the same issues, I found that isolating and terminating task PID 3000 was the the temporary fix. You will need to relaunch the specific casino game but task with PID 3000 should not show up again and you will likely be back to using a normal amount of computer resources with games functioning somewhat normal.

Best of luck folks this is becoming a circus here.

Would you be able to send a PM the moderators here with the answers to this:

Operating System (OS):
Internet Service Provider (ISP):
Mobile (yes/no):
Desktop (yes/no):
Location Information:

Has anyone else experienced the same situation?

Sure, I mean you guys likely have all that information on hand but if redundancy is key here I can provide said information.

Last time I provided information about the web browser versions nothing was achieved and I resorted to playing via the native app.

I have seen numerous complaints both back when I made my initial complaint and recently regarding erratic behavior with respect to the site.

The fact that not everyone is able to look into the details of what is causing said erratic behavior is beyond the point.

I can tell you that when I logged in today I was prompted to update the native app, upon updating I began experience excessive CPU usage akin to that which I reported a couple months back with regard to web browser versions of games.

For reference this has been tested on different operating systems, isps, mobile and desktop versions of browser and native apps it is just that with desktop I have access to analytical tools I don’t have with mobile.

After spending some more time I want to point out that my initial statement was partially false.

The PID # is not always 3000 and will vary but there will be one instance of ignition casino which will be using an excessive amount of cpu. If you experience erratic behavior I suggest looking into your pcs performance/resource monitor and/or the task manager to isolate the problematic instance of ignition.

After terminating said instance of ignition it seems to run fine until a complete restart of the native app.