Mind game: Poker Lessons From Professional Players

Imagine you have the chance to take lessons from professional poker players, dead or alive. Who would you choose, and why? What skills or special tactics do they possess that impress you?

I’d go with
Doyle Brunson - Known as the “Godfather of Poker,” his experience and wisdom in the game are unparalleled.
Daniel Negreanu - Famous for his ability to read opponents, his strategic thinking is top-notch.
Antonio Esfandiari - Renowned for his high-stakes wins and charisma, his approach to the game is both entertaining and educational.
Liv Boeree - Combining a background in science with her poker skills, her analytical approach to the game is intriguing.

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I agree with your list. Add Phil Ivey. That guy is just totally chill no matter what.

I’ll have to come back to list others. I definitely have more, just blank in my mind at the moment.


Honestly, I could extend the list further, but I’ve left space for you . :sunglasses:
Of course, Phil Ivey’s combination of natural talent, extensive experience, strategic versatility, and psychological insight make him a formidable force in the Poker world.