New player feedback

First 48 hours on here, $500+ in deposits. In each slot I entered never once got above what I entered with. Got a bonus of 30$, lost in 10 minutes on .20 cent spins. From the bovada tree, this seems to be the least rewarding of the bunch.

Awful casino experience.


Update, was issued a 40$ bonus and was able to make all the money back. I take it all back, this place is the best haha

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With slots, someone has to lose for someone to win. This also is the case in live casinos. Money does not appear out of air., Folks don’t realize this.

Its why I advocate A. bankroll for at least 5 different slots B. do not spend more than 25 spins at your bet level on a slot, if not winning C. so, for $500, we have 100 for 5 slots, then your bet should not be above $4. D. don’t chase, it never works.

This also applies to poker (a newbie lesson I learned, did not do with discipline when I played live, to easy to fall in with playing online). Don’t chase.

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Hi futureinsights,

Just wanted to thank you on the advice. Definitely have experienced that in my casino play. However I have bet above $4. Got up to betting $50 a bet. Walked away with $10,000. However my experience with that was I had to fluctuate back and forth between different bet amounts. Like you mentioned you have to change your bet amount. Don’t do more than 25 spins a bet. If it’s not hitting free spins, change the bet. When I won 10,000 every time I hit free spins, I upped the bet to the next size eventually getting up to $50 a bet. I’ve won with this strategy twice. Cashing out $10,000 both times on two different slot games. Haven’t been able to do it again. Your advice is something I need to try to remember. Very useful! Thank you!

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