Problems logging on

When I open Ignition, I often get a black screen. I close and reopen and the games appear but my balance is at $0.00. I close it again and reopen again; then it is okay.
This has happened on numerous occasions. Have any other players had similar difficulties?

i have not so much the black screen but often wheni first log on my balance doesnt show then it shows within a few mins but it doesnt effect me from starting a game

I understand. I do not start playing before I see my balance.

yeah if i didnt play micros i would care a lot more.

@Pompey63 does the black login screen seem similar to this issue?

Also, is the balance issue similar to this or does it actually show $0.00. It may just be the client taking some time to update your balance, but we can assure you the funds will always be safe in your actual account regardless of how long it takes to update in the client. You should also generally still be able to use the funds.

The black screen appears at my first attempt to login. On the second attempt, it is blank like DonkeyShow. Then the third attempt is successful.

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