Royal Flush Bonus not being paid out

Despite multiple conversations with different chat representatives I have been unable to claim my royal flush bonus. They keep telling me that I am ineligible because my hand went to showdown despite the fact that the rules clearly state “DOESNT have to go to showdown”

hand 4508912088

What’s going on here?

One chat agent even said he was specifically trained to deny royal flush hands that went to showdown how does that make any sense? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi @Michael115,

Welcome to the Forum, nice of you deciding to be a part of our family.

We will have this reviewed and once completed we will check back with you with the findings.

The bonus has been applied to the account, thanks for your patience.

Have there been any attempts to address this issue?

Either through chat rep training or through changing the wording of the rules?

If you worded the rule like “The hand can win before or at showdown” or something like that?


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We appreciate the feedback and will have it passed on to the right people.

This has now been added for you, congrats!

Thanks Davy!