Is it possible to set daily, weekly or monthly deposit limits? Or is it possible to request that your deposit methods be taken away for a period of time without self excluding oneself?
You can ask for the account o be disabled for a certain amount of time, but you will not be able to stop deposits without this. You cannot set limits either, this is done per accounts. You can reach out to CS to see if they are able to help, but as far as I am aware the limits are not changeable.
You can set limits yourself in your preferred payment method you can set up your wallet to restrict daily limits whatever you prefer them set at make sure that it is a wallet that makes you wait 24 hrs before you can change your preferences.
If this is your method to try to keep from over gambling then you will be better off finding a different hobby to take your urges away
Yeah, not asking because of over gambling. Something to help push me to make better decisions at the table.
Thanks you!
Im all about that best of luck to you