Site crashed just now

I was playing 40k guratee , cut off , couldn’t get back in , uninstall reinstall several times, log in but game is gone and my whole balance is gone… what the hell is going on ?

moar happy customers

so what happens now? I can reconnect but all the tourney’s are marked as “finished” and just has “ended” where the rank is suppose to be

what is PM ?

When does the tournament cancellation money hit the balance?
My tournament was just canceled as usual.

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I neerd help if there is anyone there. My name is Maurie

I am at two table (registered) but can’t get seated at either one. Does any person respond to these problemsor do you just take my money?
I just want a response.

I would just like to get to a table. I need your help to do that.

Like why does site keep doing errors it just kicked me out of a tournament when I’m in the money and won’t let me log back in and keeps saying error and can’t even get anyone on chat and this second time this happen in a week highly aggravated and looks like time to play somewhere else

Seriously what is going on?

I’m deep in the money in two tournaments and get booted. I know others who are also reporting a crash. Isn’t this the 4th or 5th time the site has been down in the past week?

Please resolve ASAP @Matt


yep, got kicked and now getting the dreaded red Error message at login

see you guys in 4 hours… if we’re lucky


Covid19 strikes again

same here totally unacceptable!!!

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Same here, I got kicked out from my sit and go! So annoying. Now I cannot login back.


Looks like the tournaments were all cancelled

if there are still a small percentage of people still in the tournaments and they get to continue and play like they have been all last week then this a fking scam @Matt @Foster @William @Nash @Sam

Three hours into a MTT. Same.

how can you tell?

edit- nevermind im logged in

Well this is just frustrating


They have to give you your buy-in back by law!

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