SNGs not opening after filled

I full out missed a HU match that never opened and support refunded the ticket after looking into it, however when registered in any sit and go, they aren’t opening unless you hit Take My Seat which doesn’t appear for around a minute after starting.

You’re experiencing this with all Sit and Go’s?

I’ve only played HU today, but yes, every sng I’ve played today.

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Is anyone else having this issue? We haven’t been able to replicate this on our end as you should be brought directly to your sit and go table.

I registered 2nd in a HU for the first time and same thing. Weird.

is that through the software or mobile/browser version?


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we’ve checked in with a few sit and go styles and the take my seat option has been appearing before the first hand is played.

If anyone else is also having this issue please let us know.

@JL8181 in the meantime, can you see if uninstalling and re-installing the software works?

Uninstalled, reinstalled and no more issue.

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I have 4 tickets I can’t use. It says I can not join the tournament at the moment. Y I asked support about it but they still have not done anything about it. I have three $50 tickets and one $10. I dont know what to do. I have been having quite a few problems with the site lately and it’s somewhat concerning. Anyone have any suggestions?

@Rtoole we’ll send you a PM

PM? I am not sure I know what that means.

A personal message

I’m having same issue as well on literally every heads up sit and go

@Heidib can you explain the issue you are having and if possible pm us screenshots please.

I have the same issue about 1 time out of 4 in the software interface. I usually go to the main lobby, re-click the tourney and re-open the tourney lobby and then I can get in. Got in the other day just in time to stare at my timed out AA sitting there folded.

I will sacrifice a hand and screenshot it next time in the lobby focus, IF you promise it will be fixed. Otherwise, I’m not wasting my time like I have with other issues…like not showing hands on all in on the river, hand history can’t connect.

We forward all issues to the relevant department when we receive information. Sometimes certain issues take longer to investigate than others.

Yeah, well. sometimes it takes me longer to get a screenshot than other times.

I guess it comes down to how much you really care about offering a quality product doesn’t it?

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