Who or what decides these tourney prize pools?

I’ve made final table on the save event 2 nights in a row last week. 3 times in two weeks .
Honestly was saying the whole night “ it would be crazy if I final tackle this event two nights in a row . And I did .

But I’m assuming it’s the same players in the same event .

But when I see on Sunday and Monday that it’s a 2,000 dollar prize pool /5 dollar buy in/ at 8:45 pm .
Then on Tuesday it’s a 1500 dollar prize pool for the same buy in at the same time .

Why is it more on day and less another ?
What factors go into it ?
I want to kno so I can only play on days it’s 2k and make a schedule around it .

We don’t get specifics on exactly what the decision making process is in creating tournaments as there’s likely a number of factors which are business related or based on marketing and engagement, etc. Though the main factor that go into this are action and participation I would imagine. If the poker team sees that it’s clear one day and one tournament gets a much larger audience than they would likely increase or decrease the guarantee accordingly.