Withdraw check help

I live in California and I just received my withdraw checkin the mail. Sadly my bank wouldn’t accept it because they couldn’t verify it so I’m not exactly sure what to do now. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there an answer? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

just deposit it. dont cash it. thats what my bank did. check was from canada

That’s what I went in to do, just deposit it. They wouldn’t take it though. I’m so frustrated. I contacted the bank that issued the check in Canada so maybe they’ll be able to help me.

Are you able to have a friend or family member deposit the check on your behalf or perhaps, try using a different financial institution?

Don’t cash it and never say anything about it coming from online gaming.

Be aware It can also take 1 week or longer for the check to clear and any of the funds to be available to you.

*Post edited as to prevent giving outdated information to others.

I have a second bank account so I took it there just now and the ATM wouldn’t even accept it. The ATM!?! I think my last hope is the bank that issued it. Surely they have to honor the check, if not I have a useless piece of paper. 🫤

As this is a foreign check the ATM won’t be able to read the routing number on the check, What I can suggest is that you take the checking inside the bank and deposit it with a teller.

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That’s what I’m going to do tomorrow and see if my other bank will take it. I understand that there will be a hold and it could take a couple of weeks but the first bank I went to wouldn’t even take it at all, wouldn’t even consider it. I’ll let you all know how it goes in the morning. Fingers crossed!

I called the bank that is named on the check and they said they can’t do anything. I have to contact the person issuing the check so I sent a message to the Ignition Casino dispute resolution department. I think this is over though. There’s no one that can help me and it stinks. :rage:

In the event you have exhausted all options and are still unable to cash the check, the payment can be reversed and funds returned to your account.

I’ve never heard of an ATM refusing to take a check before.

Does that mean you wouldn’t be able to deposit the check using a mobile check deposit either? When you use your banking app and take pictures of the check to deposit. Instead of actually going to the bank or ATM.

I wanted to try doing a mobile check but I’m afraid if I write “for mobile deposit only” on the back and it doesn’t work then I’m really screwed. No one will take it after that.

I like idea of getting the transaction reversed so I can maybe try to collect it using a different method. I haven’t heard back from Ignition yet but hopefully it will be soon.

The check needs to be deposited at the teller; it won’t be accepted by the ATM or smartphone app. Even if our checks are processed through foreign suppliers, they are all still valid.

Based on my personal experience, the bank would handle the deposit through their collection team once you provide it to the teller.

Ignition casino STILL hasn’t replied to me. I don’t know what to do now. I guess I’ll message them again and see if that gets a response. They’re fast to take your money but go invisible when you need help. It’s so frustrating.

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If you have emailed service, it will be around 48 hours before they reply to you


The bank called and said they couldn’t process the check and I’m going tomorrow to pick it up. Damn. Back to square one. It’s like a nightmare that won’t end. :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

UPDATE: I went to a different bank, my boyfriends, and they cashed it. Thank God!

Thank you everyone for all your help.