Woohoo! TY Ignition!



Hip-hip hurray, time for a withdrawal :slight_smile: @Nickyjumpshot

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Congratulations Nicky!

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Wow congratulations! Does he get the $200 royal flush bonus as well?

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Well good job…big ballin betting $15 a hand…well done

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Forreal though that take some skill for sure haha share the wealth my mans


Congrats on your winning wishing more winnings to come. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :+1: :tada:

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Super stoked for you, bro! Thats sweet. I filled a $20 board on bingo before. Won 12.5k it was cool til i found out if you win an entire board it only pays you the ONE pattern of FULL BOARD and it negates the other $7,650 you already won from the other patterns. Its cost me '$4,000 to fill it.