Beware of cash app!

**Has anybody else had their cash app accounts closed due to spending money at an online casino? Well I did so just beware everybody they will not give you a warning or anything. I literally had my first ever dispute on a transaction that had nothing to do with a casino and because I disagreed with their decision to deny my dispute they closed my account. Apparently it is in their rules and regulations that you CANNOT spend YOUR OWN money on or at any gambling businesses. **
** Last time I checked I am a grown woman and can spend MY MONEY wherever I see fit!! **
** Anyways it really socks because now I can’t deposit via bitcoin so I don’t get any of the match bonuses and that really gets on my nerves. I am still making a deposit but Ignition will not give me any kind of promotional offers on any of my deposits!! **

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This is an issue with cashapp. There are plenty of other wallets you can try though.

I get that and I have I’m just upset because I used cash app for A LOT and they closed my account how was I supposed to know I was not allowed to use cash app on casinos? That’s all I’m trying to say. And to let people know to be careful!

Happened to me too. I just created a new account, it recognized my phone number and moved my data to the new account and I was back using Cashapp again in minutes lol

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They closed mine for using it here Lmao

Whoa, wait a min, you guys saying you got your CashApp account closed for sending/depositing BTC from CashApp to Ignition (funding your account)? Or for withdrawing your winnings from Ignition and sending it to your CashApp wallet?

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Cash app will close your account for either of those if you don’t use a private wallet as a middleman.

I used either my private wallet on the app or the coinbase private wallet app

Wow. Well this wouldn’t matter to me at all, but BTC withdrawals are expensive like literally everywhere else it seems.
I actually have an old Block-Chain app, haven’t opened that in forever, but blockchain app charged BTC withdrawal fees I thought

Idk about that, I just use the Blockchain app to withdrawal from online casino to the private wallet & if it’s not Bitcoin I convert it to Bitcoin then send it to cashapp so I can sell and instant transfer to my bank

The fees can add up, especially to sell and transfer on cashapp so I usually only make a withdrawal when it’s worth it

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Hmm, I didn’t know Block-Chain app had low withdrawal fees on BTC. Well, I haven’t withdrawn from here yet, but have a ton of times from other online casinos and the best way usually was to use Gemini. You get ten free crypto withdrawals per crypto type each month. Meaning you get ten free BTC withdrawals, 10 free LTC withdrawals, etc. that starts over every month so you basically have free withdrawals all the time. Which, if your withdrawing more than 10 times a month, you can afford to pay some fees lol.

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Are they instant?

Yes that’s EXACTLY what I am saying!! Cash app closed my account because apparently it states in their rules and regs that you cannot participate in online gambling!! No warning or anything!! They still won’t open my account back up after going round and round about it not being very professional to just close somebody’s account without explanation!!

You can open a new account, I’m on my 3rd

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The way I use it, if you wanna sand LTC for example to Gemini, then you can swap it for BTC (a small conversion fee), then once the crypto transaction is processed/verified in Gemini, you can withdraw. It takes like 20min or so for the crypto in Gemini to be confirmed before you can withdraw it back out. Maybe longer sometimes depending, but most I’ve ever waited was maybe 1-2hr max.

Thats what I was doing the only reason they figured it out was because I disputed a charge that had NOTHING to do with any casinos and they looked at all my transactions and denied my dispute and closed my account. My dispute was for a 400.00 jacket I never received and come to find out they are a fraudulent company and cash app still denied my claim even though I sent them A LOT of proof to that fact! Blows my mind!! Anyways thanks for all the advice everybody! Seems like since I complained on the forum I have not WON ANYTHING AT ALL!! KINDA STRANGE!!

If I’m not mistaken most financial institutions have a clause within their terms that explicitly state funds can’t be used for gambling amongst other things. This is nothing new and unfortunately you being a grown adult plays no role when it comes to the legal aspect of it. They have federal laws they have to abide by and when they process your transaction they become a party to your activity. My recommendation is keep your private stuff separate from your questionable activity.

Yup it’s crazy why do they care what we do with OUR time and money, blockchain is the way to go have made numerous deposits and withdrawals for a year with no problems

How are you suppose to know? You read the Terms and Conditions when you sign up.

Until the US gives up on The Wire Act, everyone is going to be really leary with unregulated gambling sites.

In January I took my dog to some pet emergency hospital to get a blood transfusion and other things. I had to prepay before they’d even take him in & it was about $1,400

I had just made a withdrawal from ignition and had the Bitcoin in my cashapp so I sold it and paid the vet prepayment with my cash app debit card. They didn’t end up doing the transfusion or anything because I wouldn’t agree to a 3 night stay for $4,000

They never refunded me the prepayment so I disputed it with cashapp, and after about a month they simply denied it with no reason. I couldn’t even get them to give me the documents that led them to my deny by claim which is required by law.

After 2 months of getting nowhere with cashapp I called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and filed a complaint against cashapp & I kid you not cashapp emailed me the very next day & refunded me the full $1,400 before I even replied.

tldr; file a complaint against cashapp with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)


Preface - sorry for the length, this is a sore subject for me but would love feedback from
those in the same position.

Selfishly Happy I’m not the only one whose experienced this. My cash app account was closed & I spent a solid three months probing and kissing major ass for them to re-open my account with absolutely no progress (I loved cash app prior to this)

I just got the standard runaround, being told Id be contacted by an acct specialist. Only for them to send me the exact same pre-scripted reply, followed by them immediately closing the ticket and then me repeating the cycle.

TBH from someone who considers themself somewhat tech savvy I was rather surprised this happened. My knowledge of crypto is fairly limited but I always Thought transactions were private. Outside of hiring a specialist = time/$ and then digging through transactions. Not that C.A. wouldn’t have the means but wouldn’t make sense monetarily on a large scale basis.

  • Anyone know how C.A. determines how transactions are considered gambling, or is it more of an estimate based on transaction trends. I pushed and pushed and pushed for solid proof that mine were tied to gambling but was never provided anything (obviously mine were but wanted to see it based on my assumptions)

  • @jewell36 - I would have done that but given the security measures they already took I figured opening an account under the same name and number would instantly be denied. Did you have to change any information (ph#, name, bank acct etc.) in order to reopen?