Disconnected During Tournament

I was in the middle of a tournament today and the client disconnected me and I couldn’t get back in. Tried multiple times on different devices, tried clearing cache/etc/blah blah blah, poker wouldn’t load. I reached out to Customer Service and they said something like “we don’t see a disconnection on our end”. Are you serious right now? Absolute trash client and getting gaslit as well.


Same here. I got back in but nothing is happening.

I can now get back into the client, but it’s stuck on the final hand before I got disconnected. At this point it’s been over 20 minutes and I’ve been blinded to death probably…

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Same situation

Yeah this hand was quite a while ago as well: can’t imagine tournement is still running

Same again. I’m hoping it’s everybody, but it’s b.s. nonetheless.

This happens soooo many times. they’ll just cancel the tournament, and because it was a free roll, they’ll do nothing about it.

Lol bold move of the CS guy to tell me there was no problem when it’s happening to a bunch of others too.

I’ve been having this issue for over a week straight and I’m told each time that I’m the only one but clearly I’m not in right now. I’m in the middle of a tournament down to the final seven people. This is very ridiculous……I hope IGNITION honors us with something extra for this very huge inconvenience and frustration

Are we supposed to just sit and look at a frozen screen?

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played one until 4am one week becuase hands were taking like 3-4 min each, pausing and then continuing. Of course most everyone gave up, so a few of us were just collecting free chips. the next day they just posted that “the tournament did not run correctly” and it was cancelled. Got no sleep and no money.

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Same thing happened to me today

yep, same here. i finally got back in and rewatched the same hand crap out multiple times

Me too.

this happened to me on Tuesday’s freeroll also. I had just committed half my stack and then got shut out. I finally got back in much later, and of course, I lost those chips.

@moderators Please get Ignition to do something about this. Clearly not an isolated incident yet they have their CS blatantly lying to me.

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Same. This happens almost every week around the time of the $2.5K freeroll. The servers obviously can’t handle the volume spike from the freeroll (always 2200+ entries), yet nothing ever improves.

Same here!

SAME, exactly. Sucks.

same here smh