It was stuck on the same showdown. I logged out and reconnected several times, and even cleared cache/cookies, completely restarted, and every time I reconnected the table was showing the end of the same hand it showed 15 minutes before (I have 33, and it’s showing a showdown between a player with A3s and one with 97s).
Yep that’s exactly what happened to me too. Interestingly now when I try to get another agent the live chat won’t load…
Considering it was the free roll, expect nothing
They are just going to tell you it’s your fault for not clearing you cache and cookies. Funny how that never happens on other days of the week. Only when their obviously inadequate servers can’t handle the freeroll.
Considering it was the free roll, expect nothing
It wasn’t just the freeroll. In other threads it affected a paid tournament. The problem is it affects the entire site. The lesson learned is never to play any tournament you care about during one of the freerolls, and “during” includes one that won’t finish before the freeroll begins.
Smh there’s no literally no way I’m depositing on a site that can’t keep its software up and lies to its players about outages.
We have been informed that there are ongoing issues with the tournaments and it has been escalated. The team is working on this as we speak and is doing their best to resolve this. Once it has been resolved we will share an update, thanks for understanding.
Fixed your post for you.
I have one tournament working and other is not anyone else having same?
So we just give up?? Tried everything cant get back on andfd i was alot ahead
What can we do?
exactly …me too
I spent 45 minutes frantically trying to get back in the tournament and now find out it was a server/ host ignition problem very very disturbing
Any update?
Freeroll…sorry guys…just try again next week and hope for the best huh?
I swear this site is a joke
Never get updates on anything and by God it’s blasphemy if you even ask for any kind of small compensation, but this is the same parent company and sister site that has had live betting issues going on for two months and tells 3,000 people in the thread posting videos, only to say the team can’t identify the issue lol. Wild times. But please everyone, learn how to use the iNtERneT: HaVe U CLeaReD YOuR CaCHe aNd REstArTed YoUr PhONe yET?
An update would be nice
Place is a joke and no compensation. The o e thi g you can bet on