Has anyone ever seen a jackpot?

I do believe that is the biggest jackpot I have ever seen online or in real life! I had to take a triple take to make sure my eyes were seeing that correctly! WTG! CONGRATULATIONS!

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lol @Jenndoe i like player transfers also! hehe… Awesome! Big money!
i deposited $4 crypto lastnight n played till they kicked me off for their maintenance. I been playing fir some time now without seeing a whole lot of payouts. its nice too see that people do win on here. gives me hope… ughhhh :confused:

Keep beggin


Meee toooo :joy::joy::joy:

Is it me, or do the 5x jackpots seem even rarer now?


Not like I’ve seen a lot of the 5x anyway but I’m going on like 25-30 in a row of only 2x

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2 weeks later and I still haven’t seen a 5x. 49 jackpot sngs in a row with only 2x lol

*44 in a row