Reels & Wheels XL not loading

The games are not loading. Ive cleared, opened new, went incognito. Whats happening

Are you still having issues? Everything looks to be ok at this time.

I dont know. I posted that 11 hrs ago. I played a game i didnt really want to play and the money is gone. Havent redeposited

So it looks like reels and wheels xl was the only game that wouldnt load.

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No it still is not loading on my device

What are you playing on? Desktop/phone?


Ok I’ll try it on mine…it’s ok on desktop.

Working fine for me on Android.

Bizarre. Im using an android as well and it loads and plays reels and wheels at the other casinos.

try restarting maybe…it loading first time for me, no issues at all.

Oh davy…ive tried all the tricks. I gave up trying.

Anybody else out there know of any tricks i can try?

Still will not load

How is it possible every game except for reels and wheels xl will load. This doesnt make sense

Have you tried another device?

cant load on wheel xl

What device are you using? We are seeing no issues on this end at all and have tried with desktop and phone.

i phone

Are you using Safari browser? If so can you try Chrome.