Site crashed just now

Same problem

Trying to play on my phone, which I always do, and cant

Not sure if anybody else did the same thing I did. It was just the normal windows security update. Came up while I was playing poker. I was possibly assuming I was running into this problem because I logged into my account with two different devices multiple times. Maybe a security feature? Account locked out? It doesnā€™t say any of those things when I try to log in. The log in screen just keeps popping back up.

Just keep getting told to log back in

Welcome to the forum guys and thank you for all the information provided. We have escalated the issue and it is now being investigated and worked on by our Technical department.

Please bear with us and weā€™ll be updating you through this topic as soon as we get an update.

I cant get into casino and play fine. When i click on poker it logs me out and when i entef credentials it loops back to log in screen. Please any information, advice or if you share this problem. Please reply. Im a bit worried as i just did a wire transfer and never had experienced this issue before.

same issue!

@WinllDay Itā€™s not you - itā€™s a common issue that is being investigated now

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Okay thank you all for the response and mods for the attentiveness. I feel better i suppose this means its time for a break.

I do wonder though also, is there contact information for ignition staff on site? All i could find was the forum. Any info much appreciated.


Mods here are Ignition Staff and can help . If it is something personal to your account you can PM us HERE. You could also email customer service at however, it could take 24-48 hours for a response.

same problem. Login Screen keeps refreshing over and over again when I try to click to the Poker Site. Also my Windows desktop Poker App is no longer working even tho it has been updated.

Yep same issue. Get sent back to the login screen over and over after clicking poker. And I was deep in a tourney w a top 5 stack and it just frozeā€¦ Such great timing

Just want to weigh in with my ā€œsame here!ā€

Using the web browser, clicking on poker results on logging me out and bringing back the login pop-up.

Using the poker client, just get a black screen, canā€™t get to log in.

Also tried testing on multiple devices, multiple networks, same issue every time.

Using windows 10 and iOS and macOS devices, no updates were needed at the time.

Thanks for the help!

Well I just had the same issue I can open it and the tournaments for poker is today what should we do!!?

Im glad is not just me!!! I was thinking a ghost took over my PC :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

I signed up for a 5 dollar double up turbo and the game started and I could never take my seat. I saw that the game was starting and being played but I couldnā€™t get to the table, it was just a black screen

Iā€™m having this exact same problem

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: WAOOO!!! your worst than me; I canā€™t get it and you were kicked out!!

I just got a hold of the support chat they say there working on it I hope before the tournament starts!!

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Try it now, I was just able to access poker finally. Wish something could be done about the tournament I was in though. I most likely blinded out and got a min cash.