Site keep freezing

Ive been experiencing the same issues. Tables freeze then or black out. Then cant log back in to play on mobile, desktop, or the software. Tried on wifi and 5g, all the same. Got blinded out of multiple sit n gos and a tournament. On Ignition twitter they have a tweet saying all issues have been resolved and underneath its nothing but players complaining of the same issues we are. Its the site.

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everyone other “sister sites” been having same problems too. another Ddos?? few weeks ago, it happened, as resulta all 4-5 sites were down for over 2 days

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Ignition won’t start tonight for me. Gonna play on BETonline. This is typical.

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I am also experiencing issues with the site today. First it was trouble with logging in and now it won’t load poker and my internet connection is perfectly fine and there seem to be a lot of other players experiencing issues with the website right now.

When can we expect the website will be fixed?



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I’m having the same issue :frowning:

Please fix your website/entreprise asap, and provide compensation (poker ticket, Ignition points, or free spins) to you customers. We are starting to spread the word on Reddit and poker forums. ACT ASAP

Hi everyone,

It seems like the issue is now fixed. If you are still experiencing an issue, please send a PM and provide us with details as well as screenshots, and we will escalate the issue accordingly.