Tournament Lobby Improvements

I have come to realize in a short amount of time that the tournament lobby filters are a total mess.

They are inconsistent, contradictory and often, just wrong.

@SHU106 Are you able to provide more details or send us any screenshots you’re referring to here

Is it a matter of blinds showing incorrectly? Or buy in values in incorrect spots? Etc?

Hi Matt

I’m not going to waste my time with screenshots as I know there will be a contrary response that says why it should be shown as is, when logically it shouldn’t. It is just everything in general.

it is not even at the level of “blinds”; it is more obvious than that. Un-clicking “satellites” for example, some satellites will still show up. Same for turbos, etc.

It is just an illogical mess.

We will take a closer look into the titles for the filters.


Well? What did you find?

We went through the lobby manually on our end and found the discrepancies with the filtering of ‘Tournament type’ but mostly with Satellites appearing when unchecked and we’ve forwarded that off for feedback but sometimes some tournaments will fall into multiple tournament types. You can uncheck Satellite but if you still have GSPO checked off then the satellites linked to that will still show. If clicking just one Tournament type, we weren’t able to find too much off.

All other filters; Game Type, Buy-In, Status and Limit all look accurate when testing.

“Multiple tournament types” are your problem.

If a tournament is A and B and C and I say “don’t show me C”, then, according to the rules of logic, I should NOT see C, regardless of whether it is also A or B.

We appreciate your feedback but we also try to organize the lobby in a way that new players can find tournaments they’re looking for as well.

If they go into the lobby specifically looking for GSPO tournaments and uncheck everything else not knowing that it’ll remove all other tournament types then they won’t see any of the GSPO satellites which is something they may actually want.

So it is a double edged sword depending on how you view it. The way that it is viewed right now is that its better to show all related tournaments and not need them; then to only show a very limited search and need the others.

We are a recreational site so making it easy to navigate is what were looking for.

I get it. I appreciate your efforts.

I disagree with your logic.