Website Maintenance - April 6th 2022

This is where we will be sharing the details and providing updates on the maintenance scheduled for April 6th

Any general information on what’s being fixed… many bugs from last year still plaguing the software.

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Let’s just pray that this maintenance goes way smoother than the last one. Lol.

We are aware of some issues with logging into the website at this time, this is being addressed. Thanks for your patience.

When will the slots be back up

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We will post when we have any updates.

See yall Sunday

You can’t give a time frame? Like 20 minutes or 2 hours?

No we cannot at this time.

Just get a head start on the $100 credits and creation of the 25k freeroll


Here it goes again. A week long shut down due to simple maintenance.

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Here we go with a week down now…

Was it really a week last time?

Any update? we’re way past 7am

We will provide an update as soon as we have one. At the moment the update is taking longer than expected obviously and we apologize for that. We’ll also update you if there’s any estimate on exact timeframes, but we don’t have one at the moment.

I guess it wouldn’t really be a big deal if you guys had specified that that the whole casino was going to be shut down what you guys did specify that they would be minor delays in some transactions. So that seems a little unprofessional and I can see were some people might be getting a little upset especially if they have lots of money sitting in the casino not knowing what’s happening just saying

That’s the problem, they obviously knew it would be longer, very misleading. Last time this happened they were down for days and my money just sat there which is nerve racking because I’ve never had this problem at any other casino.

This is simply incorrect. The stated details in our maintenance post is what we believed was the truth at the time. The plan was not for the entire website to be shut down this long or we would have clarified this. There isn’t really any reason or benefit to us in this regard not to be transparent here.

What’s incorrect?